Showing 61 - 80 of 96
Results for "sexual behavior"
Addressing Violence Against Women
Violence, in addition to being a human rights violation, has been clearly demonstrated as a risk factor for HIV (WHO, 2010f; Stephenson, 2007; Jewkes et al., 2006a; Manfrin-Ledet and Porche, 2003; Dunkle et al., 2004; Quigley et al., 2000b; Silverman et al., 2008). Analysis of DHS data in Rwanda showed that currently married women with few, if any, sexual risk factors for HIV but who have exper...
Prevention and Services for Adolescents and Young People
The interventions in this section should also be viewed in conjunction with other topics where young women are included. Studies with adolescent-specific data are also included in the following sections: %{c:5}; %{c:7}; %{c:11}; %{c:13}; %{c:17}; %{c:21}; and %{c:23}.
HIV among adolescents is a growing concern. UNAIDS notes that adolescent girls and young women are a key population in danger o...
Promoting Women’s Employment, Income and Livelihood Opportunities
Women's economic dependence on men and unequal access to resources, including land and income-generating opportunities, increases the likelihood of women and girls engaging in a variety of unsafe sexual behaviors including transactional sex, coerced sex, earlier sexual debut, and multiple sexual partners, and thus increases their risk of becoming infected with HIV (Gillespie and Kadiyala, 2005)...
Continued counseling (either group or individual) and related training for those who are HIV-positive and those affected by HIV can relieve psychological distress.
Women and Girls
4 studies
counseling, depression, mental health, psychosocial impact, psychosocial support, risk behavior, sex behavior, support
Nigeria, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda
Clinic-based interventions with outreach workers can be effective in increasing condom use and HIV testing among sex workers.
Female Sex Workers
5 studies
HIV testing, STIs, community outreach, condom use, contraception, sex behavior, sex workers, sexually transmitted infections
Brazil, China, Guatemala, Mexico, Mozambique
Programs that provide community-wide cash transfers, microenterprise opportunities, old age pensions or other targeted financial and livelihood assistance can be effective in supporting orphans.
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
6 studies
OVC, adolescents, community care, financial assistance, grandparents, microfinance, orphans, pensions, self-perception, sexual risk-taking
Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia
Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision
Male circumcision has now been shown in three randomized clinical trials to reduce the risk of HIV acquisition for men by 50-60% (Auvert et al., 2005; Bailey et al., 2007; Gray et al., 2007). Male circumcision at birth as part of postnatal care could result, upon sexual initiation and during his lifetime, in a reduction in the risk of HIV acquisition. Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) ...
Integrating legal education and services into health care settings can help ensure that women are able to secure their rights.
Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice for Women and Girls
6 studies
HIV-related discrimination, legal assistance, people who use drugs, post-exposure prophylaxis, property rights, rape, violence against women, wills
Kenya, Ukraine, Zambia
Prevention for Key Affected Populations
Some women are particularly at risk of HIV acquisition due to their occupational exposures, their behavior or that of their sexual partner(s), their sexual identity and/or their sexual orientation. These women live in particularly challenging situations and have high vulnerability to HIV infection and low access to HIV services (Beyrer et al., 2011). UNAIDS defines key populations as those most...
Providing clinic services that are youth-friendly, conveniently located, affordable, confidential and non-judgmental, can increase use of clinic reproductive health services, including HIV testing and counseling and treatment services
Increasing Access to Services
7 studies
HIV testing, STIs, South Africa and Swaziland, Zimbabw, adolescents, health services, mass media, providers, support, treatment, youth
Botswana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Providing routine, high quality, voluntary and confidential STI clinical services that include condom promotion can be successful in reducing HIV risk among sex workers.
Female Sex Workers
3 studies
HIV testing, STIs, community outreach, condom use, counseling, sex workers
China, Kenya, South Africa
Community-based participatory learning approaches involving men and women can create more gender-equitable relationships, thereby decreasing violence. [See also %{s:57}]
Addressing Violence Against Women
5 studies
condom use, condoms, gender norms, gender relations, men, sex behavior, violence
Ethiopia, South Africa, Uganda
Increasing Access to Services
While the literature on access to HIV services by adolescents is limited, the literature on access to sexual and reproductive health services more broadly demonstrates that youth-friendly approaches can increase use of reproductive health care services by female adolescents (Gay et al., 2015). Young peoples service needs are frequently overlooked in HIV programming that is not specifically for ...
Strengthening the Enabling Environment
In order for HIV and/or AIDS interventions for women and girls to succeed, factors beyond the health services need to be addressed through multisectoral interventions. These environmental factors include gender norms that guide how girls and boys grow to be women and men, legal norms that confer or withhold rights for women and girls, access to education, income, levels of tolerance for violenc...
Women Who Use Drugs and Female Partners of Men Who Use Drugs
Despite injecting drug use being a main driver of the HIV epidemic in many parts of the world, evaluated tailored responses for women who use drugs or for female sexual partners of men who use drugs have not matched the needs of this population. Injecting drug use is globally widespread and the main driver of the HIV epidemic in some parts of the world. Approximately 16 million people in 148 co...
Comprehensive prevention programs that include components such as peer education, medical services, and support groups, can be effective in enabling sex workers to adopt safer sex practices.
Female Sex Workers
5 studies
HIV testing, STIs, community organizing, community outreach, condom use, condoms, peer education, risk reduction, sex workers
China, India
Male and Female Condom Use
The role of condom use in prevention of sexual transmission of HIV is clear. According to the WHO and the U.S. National Institutes of Health, male condoms that are intact are essentially impermeable to even the smallest sexually transmitted virus (UNAIDS, 2004). The effectiveness of male condoms has been shown to be between 8095 percent, depending on how correctly they are used (Weller and Davi...