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Results for "condom use"
When a couple is serodiscordant or both male and female partners are HIV-positive and wish to conceive, having an undetectable viral load and limiting unprotected sex to peak fertility (with the possible use of pre-exposure prophylaxis) may result in the lowest risk of perinatal transmission. [See also %{s:33}]
5 studies
pre-exposure prophylaxis, pregnancy, serodiscordant, sexual partners, transmission, treatment
Kenya, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, Uganda
Promoting gender equitable norms among adolescents can reduce HIV risk behavior.
Mitigating Risk
3 studies
Bolivia, adolescents, condoms, gender equality, gender norms, low- and middle-income countries, pregnancy, sex behavior, sex education, sexual partners
Ecuador, South Africa, United States
Female Sex Workers
Sex workers, whose work involves sexual relations with multiple partners, are a key group of women who need access to comprehensive sexual health services, including HIV prevention, treatment and care. Programs that enhance sex workers' ability to use condoms are also vitally important (Lafort et al., 2010; Pisani, 2008). Unprotected sex with multiple partners puts sex workers at risk of HIV ac...
Creating a sense of community, empowerment and leadership among sex workers can help support effective HIV prevention.
Female Sex Workers
6 studies
Armenia, HIV testing, community organizing, condoms, empowerment, peer education, prevention, sex workers, violence
India, Kenya
Mitigating Risk
Young People Need Information
"I want to know if I can have a boyfriend because every time I ask my mum she tells me not to. I would also love to learn about safe sex and safe motherhood (14 year old adolescent girl living with HIV, Zambia cited in Mburu et al., 2013).
A review of the global literature on adolescents found that "there is a significant unmet need for information, education, an...
Increased employment opportunities, microfinance, or small-scale income-generating activities can reduce behavior that increases HIV risk, particularly among young people.*
Promoting Women’s Employment, Income and Livelihood Opportunities
4 studies
HIV testing, Republic of Congo, condoms, employment, microfinance, risk behavior, sex behavior, training programs, youth
Haiti, South Africa
Preventing Unintended Pregnancies
Reducing unmet need for family planning so that all women who do not want to become pregnant now or in the future have access to contraception could have a significant effect on preventing perinatal transmission of HIV -- in part because many women do not know their HIV status. "Increasing voluntary contraceptive use had been an underused approach, despite clear evidence that preventing pregnan...
Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women Living With HIV
Given that most HIV transmission occurs through sexual intercourse, it is critical to include a sexual and reproductive health lens in HIV programming. In fact, several European governments have recently revised their international policies, recognizing that HIV/AIDS is a sexual and reproductive health issue (Germain et al., 2009).
All women have the right to decide freely and responsibly on t...
Involving partners, with women’s consent, can result in increased testing and disclosure and may reduce risk of vertical transmission and infant mortality.
Antenatal Care - Testing and Counseling
4 studies
HIV testing, PMTCT, STIs, antenatal care, condoms, counseling, pregnancy, sexual partners
India, Kenya, South Africa
Prevention for Women
In this era of great strides forward in treatment, it is important not to lose sight of the continued need to undertake a range of interventions to prevent HIV transmission. An estimated 2.7 million people newly acquired HIV infection in 2010, as they did for each of the years 2009, 2008 and 2007, down from 3.1 million people in 2002 (WHO et al., 2011b). However, even with all this encouraging ...
Promoting Women’s Employment, Income and Livelihood Opportunities
Women's economic dependence on men and unequal access to resources, including land and income-generating opportunities, increases the likelihood of women and girls engaging in a variety of unsafe sexual behaviors including transactional sex, coerced sex, earlier sexual debut, and multiple sexual partners, and thus increases their risk of becoming infected with HIV (Gillespie and Kadiyala, 2005)...
Treatment as Prevention
Antiretroviral medication has been successfully used in a number of ways: first and foremost to treat those with high viral load and diminishing CD4 counts; secondly to prevent vertical transmission of HIV from pregnant and breastfeeding women to their infants; third, as a prophylactic for those who have been exposed to HIV occupationally or through sexual assault (post-exposure prophylaxis, PE...
Staying Healthy and Reducing Transmission
"Me, I try to tell the man that, 'In this house we have been found with this problem. We should accept it. I should not point a finger at you. You, too, should not point a finger at me. Just buy your protection.' And so, little by little what he does now is different from what he did in the past." --Malawi woman living with HIV (Mkandawire-Valhmu and Stephens, 2010: 691)Successfully treated peo...
Women Prisoners and Female Partners of Male Prisoners
"... Prisons have been largely neglected in the global response to the HIV pandemic" (Angora et al., 2011: 1244). Comprehensive HIV prevention, voluntary testing, care and treatment are often not provided in pretrial detention, even where these services exist in the community (Csete, 2011). "Many prison systems limit access to antiretroviral therapy, according to country reports to UNAIDS" (UNA...