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Results for "cash transfers"
Programs that provide community-wide cash transfers, microenterprise opportunities, old age pensions or other targeted financial and livelihood assistance can be effective in supporting orphans.
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
6 studies
OVC, adolescents, community care, financial assistance, grandparents, microfinance, orphans, pensions, self-perception, sexual risk-taking
Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia
Promoting Women’s Employment, Income and Livelihood Opportunities
Women's economic dependence on men and unequal access to resources, including land and income-generating opportunities, increases the likelihood of women and girls engaging in a variety of unsafe sexual behaviors including transactional sex, coerced sex, earlier sexual debut, and multiple sexual partners, and thus increases their risk of becoming infected with HIV (Gillespie and Kadiyala, 2005)...
Women and Girls
By all estimates, most care and support is provided in the home and women provide two-thirds or more of that care and support (Ogden et al., 2006; Homan et al., 2005b; Akintola, 2006; UN, 2008b; Nyangara et al., 2009b; Surkan et al., 2010). However, this means that one-third of care and support is provided by men, and some have argued that making this more visible can shift gender norms and inc...
Prevention and Services for Adolescents and Young People
The interventions in this section should also be viewed in conjunction with other topics where young women are included. Studies with adolescent-specific data are also included in the following sections: %{c:5}; %{c:7}; %{c:11}; %{c:13}; %{c:17}; %{c:21}; and %{c:23}.
HIV among adolescents is a growing concern. UNAIDS notes that adolescent girls and young women are a key population in danger o...
Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women Living With HIV
Given that most HIV transmission occurs through sexual intercourse, it is critical to include a sexual and reproductive health lens in HIV programming. In fact, several European governments have recently revised their international policies, recognizing that HIV/AIDS is a sexual and reproductive health issue (Germain et al., 2009).
All women have the right to decide freely and responsibly on t...