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Results for "financial assistance"
Programs that provide community-wide cash transfers, microenterprise opportunities, old age pensions or other targeted financial and livelihood assistance can be effective in supporting orphans.
Orphans and Vulnerable Children
6 studies
OVC, adolescents, community care, financial assistance, grandparents, microfinance, orphans, pensions, self-perception, sexual risk-taking
Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia
Integrating legal education and services into health care settings can help ensure that women are able to secure their rights.
Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice for Women and Girls
6 studies
HIV-related discrimination, legal assistance, people who use drugs, post-exposure prophylaxis, property rights, rape, violence against women, wills
Kenya, Ukraine, Zambia
Adherence and Support
"I'm 18 years, you are telling me drugs for life?" --Woman living with HIV in Uganda (Hsieh, 2013: 11)Treatment adherence is necessary to continually suppress the virus. Adherence to ART leads to better virological outcomes, prevents disease progression and improves survival (Nachega et al., 2010a; Nachega et al., 2010c). Conversely, inadequate adherence leads to drug resistance, which can then...
Women and Girls
By all estimates, most care and support is provided in the home and women provide two-thirds or more of that care and support (Ogden et al., 2006; Homan et al., 2005b; Akintola, 2006; UN, 2008b; Nyangara et al., 2009b; Surkan et al., 2010). However, this means that one-third of care and support is provided by men, and some have argued that making this more visible can shift gender norms and inc...
Integrating HIV services with family planning, maternal health care or within primary care facilities can increase uptake of HIV testing and treatment and other reproductive health services. [See also %{s:45}]
Structuring Health Services to Meet Women’s Needs
9 studies
CD4 counts, HAART, HIV testing, TB, abortion, condom use, contraception, family planning, health facilities, pregnancy, testing, treatment
Cambodia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia
Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice for Women and Girls
*Respecting, protecting and fulfilling womens rights, particularly the rights of the most marginalized women, is increasingly understood as fundamental to an effective HIV response. Laws reflecting unequal gender norms that discriminate against women may limit their ability to protect themselves from HIV infection. In many countries where women are most at risk for acquiring HIV, laws to protec...