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Results for "life expectancy"
Antiretroviral therapy has been successfully administered with good adherence, good patient retention, and good clinical outcomes in resource-poor settings, including humanitarian settings, with increased patient survival; results have been similar to those achieved in resource-rich countries.
Provision and Access
15 studies
CD4 counts, HAART, Jamaica, Mali, South America, conflict, displaced persons, life expectancy, treatment
Africa, Angola, Asia, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Europe, Ghana, Haiti, India, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, North America, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Early initiation of antiretroviral therapy results in improved quality of life and reduced mortality.
Provision and Access
12 studies
CD4 count, CD4 counts, Czech Republic, Mali, Morocco, TB, Thailand and Uganda, and Zimbabwe, mortality rates, preventive therapy, quality of life, treatment, tuberculosis
Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Chile, Côte d'Ivoire, Estonia, Europe, Haiti, India, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Thailand, USA, Uganda
Antiretroviral therapy has transformed HIV to a chronic - though still incurable - virus requiring ongoing therapy and strict adherence to treatment. For the most part, virally suppressed people living with HIV today have no difference in life expectancy than demographically similar HIV-negative individuals (Sabin, 2013 cited in Justice and Falutz, 2014; Maman et al. 2012a).
This section does ...
Promoting Women’s Leadership
Strengthening womens rights and health NGOs and supporting women leaders who can mobilize in-country efforts in the interests of women and girls affected by HIV is critical. "...It is not enough for programmes and strategies to be designed on behalf of those living with AIDS; we have much to learn from their experiences, and how they struggle to negotiate being positive and maintaining sex live...
Peer support groups can be highly beneficial to women living with HIV.
Women and Girls
11 studies
PLHA, PMTCT, care, counseling, disclosure, mothers, stigma, support grops, support groups, treatment
Australia, Botswana, India, Kenya, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Postpartum care is the most neglected aspect of maternal health, yet a time of high risk for maternal mortality. "The majority of maternal deaths occur during or immediately after childbirth; ...up to half of all newborn deaths occur within the first 24 hours of life" (WHO et al., 2011c). While many women access antenatal care, much fewer women globally have access to postnatal care. For exampl...
Staying Healthy and Reducing Transmission
"Me, I try to tell the man that, 'In this house we have been found with this problem. We should accept it. I should not point a finger at you. You, too, should not point a finger at me. Just buy your protection.' And so, little by little what he does now is different from what he did in the past." --Malawi woman living with HIV (Mkandawire-Valhmu and Stephens, 2010: 691)Successfully treated peo...
Increasing Access to Services
While the literature on access to HIV services by adolescents is limited, the literature on access to sexual and reproductive health services more broadly demonstrates that youth-friendly approaches can increase use of reproductive health care services by female adolescents (Gay et al., 2015). Young peoples service needs are frequently overlooked in HIV programming that is not specifically for ...
Transforming Gender Norms
Gender norms stand in the way of reducing HIV; indeed, a recent study states that, "The global HIV pandemic in its current form cannot be effectively arrested without fundamental transformation of gender norms" (Dunkle and Jewkes, 2007: 173). As former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stated: "Achieving our objectives for global development will demand accelerated efforts to achieve gend...
Sex and HIV education with certain characteristics (see introduction) prior to the onset of sexual activity may be effective in preventing transmission of HIV by increasing age at first sex and, for those who are sexually active, increasing condom use, testing, and reducing the number of sexual partners.
Mitigating Risk
17 studies
Bahama, adolescents, behavior change, condom use, contraception, low- and middle-income countries, pregnancy, seroconversion, sex behavior, sex education, sexual partners, testing
Africa, Brazil, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, United States
Prevention for Women
In this era of great strides forward in treatment, it is important not to lose sight of the continued need to undertake a range of interventions to prevent HIV transmission. An estimated 2.7 million people newly acquired HIV infection in 2010, as they did for each of the years 2009, 2008 and 2007, down from 3.1 million people in 2002 (WHO et al., 2011b). However, even with all this encouraging ...
Antenatal Care - Testing and Counseling
In 2007, only an estimated 18% of pregnant women were offered HIV tests (ITPC, 2009). "The purpose of antenatal VCT should be to help a woman prepare for a possible positive HIV diagnosis [and] to provide her with information about PMTCT options" (De Bruyn and Paxton, 2005: 145). In developing country settings, between eight and ten percent of women report having received PMTCT interventions (P...
Tuberculosis is the leading cause of death among people with HIV globally, accounting for almost 25% of all HIV deaths in 2008 (WHO, 2009i). The risk of acquiring TB is 21-34 times greater among people living with HIV than in the general population. In 2010, of 8.8 million incident TB cases worldwide, 1.1 million were among people living with HIV, with an estimated 350,000 deaths (WHO, 2011f). ...
HIV Testing and Counseling for Women
Knowing ones HIV serostatus is the first step in getting the appropriate treatment and care. According to UNAIDS, fewer than 40% of those living with HIV are aware of their serostatus (UNAIDS, 2010c). In parts of sub-Saharan Africa, more than 80% of people living with HIV do not know their positive serostatus (Anand et al., 2009). Global consensus exists that greater knowledge of HIV status is ...
Addressing Violence Against Women
Violence, in addition to being a human rights violation, has been clearly demonstrated as a risk factor for HIV (WHO, 2010f; Stephenson, 2007; Jewkes et al., 2006a; Manfrin-Ledet and Porche, 2003; Dunkle et al., 2004; Quigley et al., 2000b; Silverman et al., 2008). Analysis of DHS data in Rwanda showed that currently married women with few, if any, sexual risk factors for HIV but who have exper...
Advancing Human Rights and Access to Justice for Women and Girls
*Respecting, protecting and fulfilling womens rights, particularly the rights of the most marginalized women, is increasingly understood as fundamental to an effective HIV response. Laws reflecting unequal gender norms that discriminate against women may limit their ability to protect themselves from HIV infection. In many countries where women are most at risk for acquiring HIV, laws to protec...
Antenatal Care - Treatment
Antiretroviral treatment (ART) for women living with HIV is vital to ensuring safe motherhood and reducing vertical transmission. But not all pregnant women access treatment. For women in high-income countries where access to triple therapy during pregnancy has been the standard of care and is near universal, rates of vertical HIV transmission are as low as 0.4%, for example, in Canada (Forbes ...