In some countries, three generations have been affected by HIV (Oladokun et al., 2010a). Even as incidence declines, there is a clear need to continue meeting the needs of children orphaned and made vulnerable due to HIV and AIDS.
"Nowadays there is a deadly disease called AIDS. This disease is only treated but not cured. Anyone can be infected -- male, female, young, old, rich, poor, educated...
Care and support generally includes both care of people living with HIV and AIDS and of families and children affected by HIV and AIDS. UNAIDS includes in its definition home- and community-based care (HCBC), palliative care, psychological support, carer support, and nutrition support. Among these, HCBC is meant to be the foundation on which national antiretroviral treatment programmes are buil...
While the literature on access to HIV services by adolescents is limited, the literature on access to sexual and reproductive health services more broadly demonstrates that youth-friendly approaches can increase use of reproductive health care services by female adolescents (Gay et al., 2015). Young peoples service needs are frequently overlooked in HIV programming that is not specifically for ...
Young People Need Information
"I want to know if I can have a boyfriend because every time I ask my mum she tells me not to. I would also love to learn about safe sex and safe motherhood (14 year old adolescent girl living with HIV, Zambia cited in Mburu et al., 2013).
A review of the global literature on adolescents found that "there is a significant unmet need for information, education, an...
Increasing girls' access to education is critical to combating the AIDS pandemic. "There is a well-established protective effect of schooling on HIV risk" (Pettifor et al., 2008a; Hargreaves et al., 2008a; Jukes et al., 2008 cited in Pettifor et al., 2012a: 1). Education of girls is associated with delayed marriage and childbearing, lower fertility, healthier babies, and increased earning poten...