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Results for "school fees"
Advancing Education
Increasing girls' access to education is critical to combating the AIDS pandemic. "There is a well-established protective effect of schooling on HIV risk" (Pettifor et al., 2008a; Hargreaves et al., 2008a; Jukes et al., 2008 cited in Pettifor et al., 2012a: 1). Education of girls is associated with delayed marriage and childbearing, lower fertility, healthier babies, and increased earning poten...
Treatment support sessions can increase adherence among adolescents.
Increasing Access to Services
5 studies
adherence, adolescents, parents, reatment, support, testing, treatment, ttesting
South Africa, Thailand, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Prevention and Services for Adolescents and Young People
The interventions in this section should also be viewed in conjunction with other topics where young women are included. Studies with adolescent-specific data are also included in the following sections: %{c:5}; %{c:7}; %{c:11}; %{c:13}; %{c:17}; %{c:21}; and %{c:23}.
HIV among adolescents is a growing concern. UNAIDS notes that adolescent girls and young women are a key population in danger o...
Strengthening the Enabling Environment
In order for HIV and/or AIDS interventions for women and girls to succeed, factors beyond the health services need to be addressed through multisectoral interventions. These environmental factors include gender norms that guide how girls and boys grow to be women and men, legal norms that confer or withhold rights for women and girls, access to education, income, levels of tolerance for violenc...
Partner Reduction
Multiple sexual partnerships have long been a concern in HIV prevention programming, which has focused on partner reduction. Multiple partnerships bring increased risk of HIV acquisition: A meta-analysis of 68 epidemiological studies from 1986 to 2006 with 17,000 HIV-positive people and 73,000 HIV-negative people found that women who reported three or more sex partners had three times as much l...